A Quick Analysis On Efficient Products Of [astrology]
Reflections On Down-to-earth Methods In

One quarter enjoy gardening and pruning the bushes with their loved ones, with one in 10 couples hiking and four in 10 going for nice walks together. In fact, one in 10 are keen to take up a new interest with their significant other but worried it might be a bit on the unusual side. With nearly one quarter willing to take up wife carrying and husband dragging as a hobby. In a bid to offset boredom, one quarter would like to try pie eating as a hobby, with nine per cent willing to have a go at bog snorkelling and six per cent keen to attempt extreme ironing. Of other absurd activities, one in 10 would participate in egg tossing, with as many Brits willing to try gurning and 16 per cent would give marbles a go. One fifth of those polled get involved in different leisure pursuits to keep their mind sharp. Eighteen per cent use their interests as a chance for a bit of 'me-time', with one in 20 treating it as a chance to make friends. Despite a nation with keen interests, of the one quarter with no hobbies half of them wish they had an interest to call their own. But a lack of time, interest and companions to kick-start it with means they aren't spending any free time they have in a way they would like. Nearly half of Brits reckoned they have less time now than they used to for leisurely activities and nearly a third agreed hobbies are becoming less commonplace.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://menafn.com/1096970373/Trainspotting-quilting-and-astrology-are-among-the-hobbies-which-are-dying-out
